You may be familiar with the sport of Boccia ball. This adaptive sport takes the traditional Italian yard sport of Bocce ball and makes it adaptive, specifically for wheelchair users. Pronounced “Botch-ya” ball (like “gotcha!” ball), Therafin first experienced this life changing adaptive sport in 2016, and couldn’t get enough. With our powers combined, we came up with the American made and manufactured Boccia ramp, The BOSS. Now, the rest is history. We’ve since created a whole pipeline of Boccia products that athletes all over the world use and love, both recreationally and at the Paralympic competition level! Checkout our story and some of our products at
Have you ever heard of the COVID virus? Of course you have. It’s the virus that wreaked havoc on the entire planet from late 2019 until present day. With over 400 million cases and several million deaths, the world moving
forward will simply never be the same as what we once knew. To help,Therafin created acrylic partitions (Sneeze Guards) and safety masks so that we could use our core competencies at Therafin to help solve problems. It’s what we do. See more at and reach out to us for phenomenal bulk deals. This pandemic has taught us that there are ways to protect one another from spreading these illnesses—physical barriers do make a difference.
This hobby-turned-product-line was a one-off product that a Therafin employee created simply from his desire to be in the great outdoors with the ease of a simply pull-out kitchen from his truck. Like is common in the Therafin world, one thing led to another and now we have several camping solutions for your vehicles. If you haven’t camped out of your car, then you’re missing out. With our Trail Chef, you now have all the conveniences of a full kitchen, all in the comfort and familiarity of your own vehicle. Check out all the new ways to adventure at
Have an idea? Need help bringing a concept to life in a production ready prototype? Looking for a manufacturing partner? Reach out to us at We love to hear your ideas and we look forward to the possibility of working together.